It's been a few months since I posted last - I have recovered from the thrilling but draining experience of participating in the national Ms. Wheelchair America pageant in Washington DC. It was an awesome experience and I could not be happier with the results. Ms. W/C Texas - Michelle Colvard - earned the title of Ms. W/C America and she was definitely the person I would most like to have representing my community. She and I have the same disability - spina bifida - so we had much in common and spent the week getting to know each other and sharing like experiences. She is an awesome "roll" model for our community and advocates out of the Houston, Texas Mayor's office.
The week was filled with interviews, group activities, educational workshops and fun theme nights. The experiences left me proud of my community and built character in personal ways that will serve me the rest of my life.
I want to thank all of those people who supported (and continue to support) me - I know that the person I am is just as important as the efforts I have made in the area of advocacy. My WA State MWW Coordinator, Tammy Wilber, was there every step of the way and I could not have taken this on without her unconditional support.
I look forward to staying involved with the program even after I pass the crown and title on to the next Ms. W/C WA - it's an awesome program of advocacy and achievement and does so much to help change the perceptions of women who are wheelchair users.