2016 Ms. Wheelchair Washington
Peninsula High School
As Ms. Wheelchair Washington I had the amazing privilege of being a guest speaker at Peninsula High School. I presented “The Power of Words” in the health classroom for all 6 periods in the day. It was a crazy ride! The day flies by fast with only 5 minutes between class and 30 mins for lunch. For each class I shared my story and asked them questions to get them thinking about ways they can create a positive environment in their school. Then I split them up into groups and had them brainstorm ways they could make positive changes at school. Each class had a different energy.Surprisingly the 6th period class had the highest energy. It was like presenting to GLEE! They were so inquisitive, deep and they got me to sing for them. Every time I have these back to back presentations I learn so much and have the opportunity to grow and learn exponentially because the repetition of presentations. I also got to talk to several teachers throughout the day about the inclusion model of education. It was so inspiring to collaborate with visionaries in the education world.