2016 Ms. Wheelchair Washington

2016 Ms. Wheelchair Washington
Nicole Martini

L.A. Abilites Expo

Hi Everyone!

Just a quick update. There was a strong representation of people with disabilities at the Los Angeles Abilities Expo! Tammy, Meg, CathyLee, Torrance and myself, all flew into California for this extraordinary event. It was my second year attending the Expo, yet there was still so much that I had not seen. It was a one of a kind opportunity to reconnect with all of my “high roller” friends from around the country! Some of the people I reconnected with include: Aaron Fotheringham, Christiaan Bailey, Erika Bogan, Rudy Fibres and Richard Bell! Thank you to all of the hard working people who are so dedicated to putting such a ground breaking event together every year for people with disabilities!