2016 Ms. Wheelchair Washington

2016 Ms. Wheelchair Washington
Nicole Martini

Thank you for the Support- We had an awesome Walk N Roll

As a board member for the Spina Bifida Association of Washington State, I took on the role as Co-Leader for our 1st annual Walk N’ Roll. It was held March 20, 2010. I am happy to report that it was a success! A large group of people showed up to participate. There were so many little wheelers there to learn more about other kids like themselves and more important, to have fun! Aaron Fotheringham demonstrated his skills in breaking the boundries of people with Spina Bifida through “Hardcore Sitting”. He brings truth to the idea that there are no limits except for those that we place on ourselves and that we allow others to place upon us. I had such a blast being able to talk one on one with all the wonderful children with disabilties! And I must give a big “Thank You!” to all the previous Ms. Wheelchair Washington’s who came out to show their support! I look forward to doing it all over again next year!